Want to learn how to answer interview questions? Well here are some amazing tips that will help you answer your interview questions the right way and land that job.
Let’s dive right in.
What is an Interview?
An interview is an opportunity to showcase your relevant strengths, experience and interest in a position you are applying for.
Some things you should take note of:
- Interviews require advanced planning, preparation and practice.
- An interview is an interactive process and a conversation with purpose.
In order to have a successful interview experience it is important to prepare thoroughly.
This hand out provides guidelines and information on how best to prepare in order to be ready.
One of the most asked question and has difficulty in answering is:
1) What are your Salary Expectations? / How much would you like us to pay you?
No matter how great the job interview goes an interview question about your salary expectations can stop you short.
It’s difficult to know what to say and what not to say so that you receive a job offer that’s a win for both yourself and the employer.
If your target compensation is too low, you leave the employer room to go even lower and you could end up feeling miserable with the lack of proper compensation.
Answer: I don’t have a set number in mind but I would like to be fairly compensated and I’ll be happy to negotiate as I learn more.
2) What is your Biggest Weakness?
Give a specific example and be able to explain why. Giving a negative answer and being too hard on yourself suggests that you allow this fear to control you and can make the hiring manager think twice about giving you the job.
Be honest give your weakness but also focus on putting a positive spin in your answer.
Answer: I like seeing results quickly but gaining experience helped me cultivate patience or am working on it.
3) What is your Greatest Strength?
When answering mention your top strengths, provide examples on how you’ve used them in the past and finally describe the results you’ve gotten.
Don’t just say am good at X’ dive deep and give the interviewer a comprehensive answer.
Answer: Am a great team worker but am able to take initiative when needed.
OR I have a great attention to detail, but it doesn’t distract me from the big picture of the project.
4) Why should we hire you?
Tell the interviewer what you will bring to the table, what an asset you will be ideally you will take work off your team’s plate.
Show that you have great skills and experience to do the job and deliver great results. Highlight that you’ll fit in and be a great addition to the team.
Also describe on how hiring you will make their life easier and help them achieve more.
You can also talk about your:
- Experience
- Education/ Qualification.
- Technical skills.
- Personal traits/strength.
- Benefit
Answer: Given my discipline and my desire to learn I believe I can quickly excel in this role.
5) Where do you see yourself in the next five years?
You want to give the hiring company the impression that you are content with the position but you should also express enthusiasm about development in a realistic way.
Show that your personal career goals align with the company’s long-term goals.
Answer: That’s a good question one side am really passionate about this job and I’ll like to get better at it with time.
6) How much were you earning in your previous job?
It’s a tricky interview question since you want to get the highest salary you can without killing your shot at the job.
As soon as the topic of compensation comes up on an interview you are likely to get the question “what were you earning at your last job?”
You have to be ready for it.
If you were earning a salary that is in the range for the position you are pursuing now, they will use your past salary level to determine your job offer.
By a very strange coincidence, once you share your past compensation level, they always seem to offer you a very small amount over it.
Don’t disclose your previous salary because they might use it against you focus on how to spin it on a polite manner and give a positive answer.
Answer: I prefer not to disclose it but I believe we can negotiate a fair compensation based on my skills and the value that I can bring to this company.
7) Why did you leave your previous job?
If you have ever had your employment terminated, you need to be able to explain the situation to future potential employers.
While this is an uncomfortable question to answer you can do so in a way that will demonstrate your professionalism and integrity.
Evaluating different types of responses can help you prepare one that’s best fit for your situation.
Employers ask about why you were fired for two main reasons. They want to know basic events that led up to your termination and whether it’s something that reflects on your character. They also want to see whether you coped with the situation and if you took any steps to improve.
As you prepare for an interview it’s important to think through how you want to handle this question. Here are some steps you can follow to explain a termination:
- Be honest.
- Keep it simple.
- Remain positive.
- Demonstrate personal growth.
Reviewing example answers can help you prepare a positive answer that shows your professionalism. Here are some example answers based on the reason for termination.
If you were fired
I was actually let go from my last position. My previous role wasn’t a good fit for me. I made mistakes and learned from them.
If you weren’t getting paid enough
The company and I were moving at two different speeds and I’m looking to take on more responsibility in my next role.
OR Although I really liked the company, I felt like I wasn’t being challenged enough in my last role.
If you were laid off
Unfortunately, I was laid off due to the company struggling financially. It was hard for me because I really loved my job and co-workers.
But ultimately, I’m happy because it led me to be able to purse this role here.
If you took off for personal reasons
I actually left my previous role due to personal reasons. There was a dramatic shift in my personal life and I had to take some time off.
Be sure to thank everyone present during the interview for their time and consideration at the close of the interview.
Wishing you best of luck in your interview hopefully the above tips will help you.