Believe it or not, you can actually make a full time income.
Check out these people who are:
- Silas and Grace from Chasing Foxes made $7595 through ads here with over 1 million pageviews for the month
- Clary earned $1333 from advertisements with 82,869 pageviews for the month
- Liana made $2228 from ads here with 109,767 pageviews
So yes; adverts are a very profitable source!
Yes… and no.
If you want to be making a full time income, you can see based on the income reports I’ve linked that you do need a pretty serious amount of pageviews.
- You can still make money from ads with less pageviews. Even if you have say 20k pageviews a month, you can still make a couple of hundred dollars with adverts. Which is better than nothing!
- More pageviews doesn’t necessarily mean more traffic. Slightly confusing I know, as I’ve just said you need a considerable amount of pageviews to make a full time income.
But in this income report by Anastasia Blogger, you can see that in her ad income screenshots, the number of sessions per day doesn’t correlate exactly with the income from ads per day.
Basically meaning having more pageviews in a day doesn’t mean more income earned in that day.
This is due to a number of factors, including:
- How long a person scrolls through your post/ page to see more of the ads you have placed. If you have one blog post with 6 ads in, 100 people could see the first ad only, or 17 people could scroll right through and see all 6 of your ads to make the same amount of money.
- What niche you are in. Certain types of ads will be more profitable than others, as they will get more engagement.
So yes, whilst more pageviews will mean you are likely to make more passive income, it doesn’t mean you can’t make an income with less pageviews (and doesn’t mean more pageviews = more income).
Below I’ve made a small guide to help you start making money from ads!
To start, you need to apply to an advertising network.
They will then find companies who want their adverts displayed and help place them throughout your site, so you get paid.
What ad networks are there?
Some common networks are:
- Google Adsense: This is what beginner bloggers tend to use as it’s free. However, it can be quite difficult to make significant income with.
- This is Yahoo and Bing’s network for contextual ads. (They also have an affiliate programme, so if you refer people to it you will make money via affiliate marketing!).
- Monumentric: This is a premium ad partnership network. This is the one I am currently signing up with, and their customer service has been sooo helpful! You need a minimum of 10k sessions a month to apply.
- Mediavine: This is the ad network big bloggers use to earn the crazy full time amounts from just adverts that I linked in the beginning. But you need 25k sessions per month to apply.
This is the cookie consent pop up that appears when someone is with MediaVine.
So if you visit a website and see this pop up, you know they have got some serious traffic!
Which ad network should I apply to?
Honestly, I’d recommend skipping the ad networks which don’t have a minimum requirement.
Simply because you will not make enough income with them to be worth having ads on your site.
You will make far more with the premium networks than the free ones!
So I’d wait until you have enough traffic to go for a premium network.
(Of course, feel free to go for Adsense or if you need to earn from ads ASAP).
Once you have signed up for the ad network of your choice and been accepted, you need to place the ads throughout your website.
This is also why I suggest waiting to apply for a premium network, as often they will install the ads for you.
With Monumentric for example, they will suggest where to place the ads in order to make the most income, and then help you place those ads.
You can also see How to Get Adsense Approval For New Website Fast here.
Once your ads are placed, it’s time to get more people seeing them to start making serious money.
Which is what we’ll be covering in the next lesson on how to sell your own digital products.
Until tomorrow!